Monday, June 11, 2007

Raising the Roof on Gene Solgate's Pole Barn

So many  things have happened in the last while.  To begin with, yesterday I helped Gene Solgate put the trusses on  his pole barn.  I have thought of building one for several years but have yet to get any experience with the process.  This building is 24 ft by 32 ft so the trusses themselves are not too big.  Four of us had no trouble lifting them by hand.  Once they were up the man on the top nailer would spike them into place with special ring shank barn nails.  Five trussses took about two hours. Then it was on the the purloins.  These are 2x4's laid on edge and secured with long, ringed barn nails thru the purloin and into the truss.  We did a bunch of bracing and the frame was nearly done.  The great news for me is that I had no trouble doing this rather heavy work at all.  Since my heart attack that has always been a concern.. No problem yesterday. 

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