Monday, August 28, 2006

Cluster Bombs in Lebonon>1=8404

Why would an area denial weapon like cluster bombs be used against a foe like Hezbolah?  I am at a loss to understand this action.  This weapon will kill more civilians than anyone else.  It is not made to take out specific as in individual targets.  It also bothers me that this weapon might have been used in violation of agreements with the U.S.  America does not need this kind of trouble. 

The file says that twenty five percent of the bomblets do not go off.  They are left to explode later.  That makes a fine mess.

Adult Stem Cell Fate is Determined by physical touch as well as Chemical Messages


Stem cells determine whether they become nerve, muscle or bone by physical touch with surrounding material and by chemical messengers.  Descovering that touch could determine what type cell would be produced was a great surprise to the researchers above. 

The article describes how material inside the cell that acts similar to muscles in larger bodies work to determine the stiffness of the surrounding environment. 

Dead cardiac cells that are stiffer than the living material could influence the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in the heart.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Dry wall the back room

This was a great day for progress on the only remaining room in the house to have dry wall installed.  We purchased new metal corner strips to bridge the gaps in the corners.  They worked great.  I think the room will look far better than I ever had reason to believe it could. 

After the room, I spent time on the John Deere lawn mower.  I have a 425.  It has lots of power and is a joy to run. 

Now, I get to play.  The blogs come out and good times are had by all.



Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Dark Side of Truck Ownership

Tuesday morning, I was dressed in my finest and heading out the door to go to the Bay City Historical Museum to do my part in the Library.  When I approached the truck, I knew that something was wrong.  The whole thing smelled like gasoline and there was a dark spot on the gravel that hadn't been there before.  The gas tank was shot.. What next.

U-fix-it, my local mechanic, was the answer.  Now, I have worked my way through a $125 tank and two brackets to hold it on.  With luck, I will be back on the road soon.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tall Ships in Bay City, Michigan

It was hot during Tall Ships this year but tens of thousands of people attended.  The ships are beautiful as they come down the Saginaw River and the festivities on the banks add to the general party atmosphere. 


My favorite ship was the Niagera with a replica of the Nina a close second.  Both of them seem  so small compared to any ship I've seen.  The Nina is smaller than the average tug boat. 


The Bay City Historical Museum ran a Ghosts and Legends Tour using Mitchell buses.  Since I am a tour guide, I had a big part in this.  We had hundreds of riders, who heard stories about murders on Center Street, and ghosts seen through the wispy curtain material of the beautiful houses on the street.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Stem Cells and the future

Stem cells are terribly exciting.  They promise tremendous benifits in one area after another.  Sometimes,  it is hard to keep up with what is happening. 

The article you can read above, click the link, will give an overview of all the different areas where studies are being done. 

A search on any of these areas should add even more information. 

Have fun.