Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Turkey Hunting in the Michigan's Thumb

I got up at 4 am this morning.  I did the same thing on monday.  I had to meet my friend, Dave Deland, for a trip into the deep, dark woods of Michigan's Thumb to wait for that strange and elusive bird, the turkey.  I have seen many, many of these birds and more than a few of their relatives, the domestic turkey.  I must say that the domestic variety while great on the table is no match for its wild cousin, a bird that can fly almost straight up, can sneak through a bunch of cats and be hit straight in the body by a 12 gauge and walk out of it.  Today, I got my first turkey.  As you can see, that is not trivial.  Now, I gotta watch from the sidelines.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Heather Deland Kangas Dancing on Good Morning America

Heather Deland Kangas is a dancing star on Good Morning America.  Heather Kangas is doing a great job in  this video.  She really makes it look like it would be fun to be six or seven and live in this house up near North Pole, Alaska. 

Heather and her sisters have long shown talent in dancing and gymnastics.  It's great to see she passing this on to another generation.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Turkey Hunting is here at Last

Turkey hunting is new to me.  I went for the first time last year.  I learned about calling turkeys, what jakes are, how to look in the sand for the tell-tail spirs of a tom and  how to wait silentlyly as a twenty pound bird walks within twenty feet of you without even noticing.  I also learned about the kick of a 3 1/2 inch 12Gauge shell in one of the new turkey guns.  In this case, it was an 835 Mossburg that I was lucky enough to be able to borrow.  Well, as I said, the excitement starts again tomorrow. 

Look out Tom.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Long Talks with My Son

Fred on youTube

I learn so much from my children.  Saturday mornings are reserved for long talks on the phone to them.  Fred and I often talk about his adventures selling his book Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook ,  He has learned a great deal about marketing on the internet, site visits and how to function in the world of internet commerce.  Good job Fred. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Image from AOL Pictures

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Wreak of Old Jimmy

This is my poor 1986 GMC Truck after the wreck on Caine and Brown Road on 3-21-07.  A young lady ran the stop sign coming from the south on Caine and went through the intersection at highway speeds.  I hit the brakes during the approximately 2-4 seconds I had to react since the corner is obscured except for about the last 200 feet. 

My seat belt earned its existance in this wreak.  I wasn't hurt and neither was the young lady.