ESPN 3-D, which started last June and was only on the air for live sporting events, will be on the air full time starting on Feb. 14. Along with a few live games each week, the network will rebroadcast archived games. “This, for us, is very much an image of just what happened with H.D.,” he said of the gradual roll-out.
At C.E.S., Mr. Burns will be meeting with set manufacturers, distributors and others to, as he put it, “make sure the entire food chain works in harmony.”
Separately this week, Discovery, Sony and IMAX will give a name, 3NET, to the 24-hour 3-D channel that they are expected to start later this winter. It appears that we are about to make a change in our viewing habits. 3-d will be one and only one of these changes. Beginning Feb. 14, it will have 24 hour a day programming on ESPN.
Of course, the race is on. While many of us have not been watching, Blu-ray players and new tv sets come with wireless and wired connections to the internet. They are one more device to hang on that home network you have originating in the router you need for the internet.
Boxee is out there now to be downloaded to your computer and let you get used to the idea of streaming video to a device, in this case your computer. You can stream it to that new blu-ray player or tv too.
Lots of changes coming in the next year.